About Navitas
Navitas Holdings is an 87% black owned and controlled investment company that primarily focuses on sustainable investment in the energy and natural resources sectors. By natural resources we understand this to encompass the water, food security and gas sectors. 
Navitas focuses on energy through its wholly owned Kabi Energy subsidiary and specifically renewable energy. Kabi Energy has already been involved in the solar photovoltaic sector for the last 6 years through its 40% shareholding in Kabi Solar. Navitas’s management is actively involved in the primary development process.
Navitas brings together individuals with proven track record in deal origination and execution, a deep understanding of relevant sector specific dynamics and issues, strong networks in the financial, energy and business sectors. 
Navitas’ personnel have played a critical role in the evolution of the South African renewable energy space since 2011. Kabi Solar was one of the original six founding members of the South African Photovoltaic Industry Association (SAPVIA), which represents the interests of over 180 companies involved in the solar PV value chain in South Africa. Mike Levington has also been directly involved with industry stakeholders on the following:

- The establishment of Renewable Energy Development Zones under SIP 8 of the National Infrastructure Plan (under the National Development Plan);
- Advising Minister Joemat-Petterssen on the IRP 2016 through the chairing of a MACE (Ministerial Advisory Council on Energy) subcommittee;
- Unlocking rooftop solar PV barriers though amendment of the Electricity Regulation Act; and
- Representing the renewable energy industry within BUSA, NEDLAC and BRICS Business Council forums.